MaSDa (Short for Making Sabah Durian Amazing), also known as Sabah Durian and Tropical Fruit Planters Association, is an association of smallholders in Sabah. We associate with agro input providers, whosalers, food producers and governmental agencies to help our members manage their farms at a lower cost, increase and sustain their farm yield, and assist in finding profitable markets for their produces.
MaSDa works with agricultural educators, reasearchers, and industry players in generating and sharing relevant agricultural knowledge, technologies, and standard farm practises. MaSDa also promotes, educates, and connects with the public, consumers, and tourists about the local fruits, farmers, and their farms.
To run continuous education-centered activites and programmes which focuses on the cultivation of durian and other tropical plants to raise a generation of entrepreneurs who are well-equipped on the current technology applied to crop cultivation for the betterment of society and the country . This is hand-in-hand with our effort to raise awareness on good agricultural practises, which is also shared with the government’s aim of making agriculture a steady source of income for many.
We also carry out community outreach works that help to bring together fellow farm cultivators so that they advance together. This can also help MaSDa to foster a relationship and foster the spirit of teamwork with governmental organisations to help build a better framework and policy in the agricultural field.
To have the durian and exotic plant cultivation as well as the avenue of agriculture as an enterprise advance as a whole as well as to have a tighty-knit understanding between producers and enterprisers.
We also look to promote our durian and local fruits as well as our farmers and their plantations with the public, consumers, tourists as well as to connect with them and to provide them with the knowledge that is sufficient.
At MaSDa, we believe in the values that can help us strive forward in this fast-moving world, and we always aim to hold them in line with our mission and goals.
doneEngage with latest farming technologies
doneBe up to date with agriculture information
doneStronger presence and input in government meetups
doneParticipate in implementing grassroot policies
SIGN UP NOW!MaSDa takes pride in its community of helpful, knowledgeable and professional planters who are willing to lend a hand and give a stronger voice to our local producers.
Our activities makes us build a foundation of trust with each other. This also provides awareness and inspiration to our current & future generation to be the change they want to see in our country.